Topic: Planning for Incapacity: Estate Law and End of Life Planning Buddy up – Ask the MD how to end isolation.How sleep changes over time – conversation with Davis Phinney.Understanding our sleep cycle (animation).How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains (TED Talk).Understanding mindfulness: a quick tour.Linda Ronstadt speaks about coping with PD.Are there new ways of treating Parkinson’s?.Speaker: Joseph Bartolone, Registered Dietician Topic: The Gut Brain Connection in Parkinson’s Disease Alan Watts – The most important lesson….Links to resources for Oct Lunch and Learn Other resources for October Lunch and Learn: Topic: Parkinson’s Disease Dementia Caregiving Tips and tricks for managing Parkinson’s.Research on genetic treatment for PD – Creating new neurons.Topic: Psilocybin to Treat Depression and Anxiety in PD Parkinson’s Exercise Essentials (Davis Phinney).The retired NBA player diagnosed with early-onset PD discusses his book. A preview of exercises included in the in-person exercise class. Parkinson’s Disease and Medication – Expert Briefing – full presentation.Summary of Parkinson’s Disease and Medication.Speaker: Peter Ralston, MD, UCSF Professor Emeritus Topic: Parkinson’s Disease: Transmitters and Proteins Living into your 90’soriginally aired on 60 Minutes.Understanding Parkinson’s – overview by Nature magazine.Excellent exercise tutorial starting with how to do squats.USCF MERI Center for Education in Palliative Care Topic: Everyday Resiliency for People Living with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners

8 10:30 am – 12 noon, Lynnewood United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall Tri-Valley in-person support group – Sat. 15 10:00 am – Support Groups beginġ1:30 am – Coffee and Conversation in the Oak Roomįor additional information: In-person meeting update March 2022 Upcoming Programs PNMD in-person support groups – Sat.