And Zsh is now the default shell for macOS.

Zsh has some benefits over bash in that it's easier to use for some tasks and doesn't require strict user permissions in the way that bash does. However, Terminal could run other shells on top of bash.

The shell is the layer on which you type and execute commands. Until macOS Catalina, Terminal's default shell was bash. Thanks to macOS ' Unix kernel, it can interpret and execute regular Unix commands. It allows you to control your Mac, running processes and tasks, from a command-line interface. Terminal is an app that lives in the Utilities folder inside Applications. In this article, we'll show you what to do if you see a 'permission denied' error in Terminal. But, occasionally, you may see an error message, such as 'permission denied.' This could occur for several reasons, such as because the file you're trying to work on is locked or there is a permissions problem. Mostly, it just works as long as you use the correct commands. The Terminal app is a great way to run processes and carry out tasks if you're familiar with Unix commands. But to help you do it all by yourself, we’ve gathered our best ideas and solutions below. Ls: The "ls" command, by itself, displays the contents of the cwd.So here's a tip for you: Download CleanMyMac to quickly solve some of the issues mentioned in this article. To actually put all this path knowledge to use, you'll need the Terminal commands for displaying and changing files. How to display and move between files in Terminal When you first launch Terminal, you're starting in the current working directory of /Users/ myusername/ (also known as your User folder). You can then get to your Utilities folder by typing "./Utilities/" rather than "/Applications/Utilities". For instance, if you go to the "/Applications/" folder in Terminal, that's your current working directory ( cwd). Relative paths are defined based on where you've already navigated to, and represented by "./". So if you wanted to make a path to your Applications folder, you would write "/Applications/". An absolute path starts at the root level of your hard drive, and is displayed as "/".

Paths take two forms: absolute paths and relative paths. Paths look similar in some ways to website sub-directories, and follow the structure of your folders. To do so, you build something called a path. You can use Terminal to get direct access to your files without using the Finder. When writing commands and paths in Terminal, almost everything is case sensitive: This means that you need to remember to properly capitalize "Dock" when referring to the Dock, or OS X won't understand your command. Unless you're executing a command that requires the display of text in Terminal, you won't have any indicator that what you've done has been successful you'll just get a new line with your user name on it once the command is finished processing.