Yakko can throw or drop bombs to destroy weakened walls and strong chests, and also to defeat strong enemies.Like the Sega Genesis version of Animaniacs, the siblings have special abilities of their own to use: You start out controlling Yakko Warner and first head out to rescue Wakko and Dot in the Horror and Western movie soundstages respectively. This scatters 44 of the 45 stolen Edgars across the studio lot and its five other soundstages, and releases Yakko, Wakko, and Dot in the process, who search for them to save the Edgar ceremony. But Deville's dim-witted assistant Jinx accidentally crashes Deville's getaway blimp into the Warner Bros.

Deville steals the Edgars and threatens to melt them all down unless studio chairman Thaddeus Plotz gives him a lucrative contract. Frustrated by constantly being overlooked, film director C. Reporter Mary Hartless fills in the player in a news report that the Warner Film Lot is preparing for the "Edgar" award ceremony(Which is a parody of the Oscars, much like the Felix and Schloscar from the Genesis game and the show respectively).